Friday, June 11, 2010

Chapter 1


This chapter talks about the Scientific Research which applies to both Basic and Applied Research.

Scientific Research focuses on solving problems and pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method or approach to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions thereon.

The Hallmark of the Scientific Research is stated below.

1. Purposiveness
2. Rigor
3. Testability
4. Replicability
5. Precision and Confidence
6. Objectivity
7. Generalizability
8. Parsimony

Thus, the primary method s of Scientific Investigation or Research is the Hypothetico Deductive Method.

Deduction is the process in which we arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact. This is to say for example – high performers are highly proficient in their job. So if Seyi is a performer then we conclude that he is highly proficient in his job.

While Induction – is the process where we observe certain phenomena and base on this we arrive at conclusions.

The Seven Step Process in the Hypothetico -Deductive Methods are namely

1. Observation
2. Preliminary Information Gathering
3. Theory Formulation
4. Hypothesizing
5. further Scientific Data Collection
6. Data Analysis
7. Deduction


In this chapter we obtain a general understanding of what constitutes Scientific Research and the Hallmarks of scientific investigation or research. We also looked at the steps involved in the hypothetical –deductive method of studying a problem in order to solve it. Thus, when managers realize the value of scientific investigation, they are able to understand and accept the need for good research. While this offers the opportunity to effectively solve complex problems encountered at workplace. The manager also realizes the fact that although organizational research cannot offer 100% accuracy in results. Choices and trade-offs among the various criteria of scientific investigation can be made to obtain valid results for purpose of good decision making.

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