Sunday, May 16, 2010

Letter of Introduction – Moses Ojo

Name: Moses Oluwafemi Ojo

Seat No. 9, Student No. 12

Course: Communication in Leadership and Negotiation

I am a thirty young man from Yoruba tribe in south west geographical location of Nigeria.

Academic Qualification:

B.Sc. (Accounting)

Professional Qualification:

Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA)

Associate Chartered Stockbroker (ACS)

I am presently working with FutureView Financial Services Ltd (Investment Banking Company) as an Equity Research Analyst.

Extra Curricula Activities:

Reading: I like reading materials on leadership and personal effectiveness, motivation, and strategy. On leadership I like reading works of Jack Welch (Winning, Straight fro the gut), John Maxwell (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Failing Forward), Marshall Goldsmith (What Got You Here Won't Get You There), Ken Blanchard (The One Minute manager), Steven Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People), and Jim Collins (Built To last, Good to Great).

On strategy, I like reading Harvard Business Review, books of John Kotter, and Micheal Potter.

Social Life: My social life is concentrated only in church, I am not a lover of football, neither do I love going to party.

My aspiration is to impact humanity in the area of knowledge sharing.

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